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update date : 2024-03-29


營隊內容: 06/11-06/23,含紀念衫、紀念水瓶、每日點心、以設計為中心之商業模式探討融合社群媒體與文化創意發想、
網美網帥之輕旅行- 觀景雲海、阿里山小火車體驗、奇美博物館藝術欣賞、花園夜市特色小吃...等(交通:全程遊覽車接送、住宿:舒適雙人房),
Workshop content: 06/11-06/23, including workshop T-shirts and water bottles, snacks,
design-centered business model to explore the convergence of social media and cultural ideas,
and the trip in Southern Taiwan- visiting mountain Ali, Chi Mei Museum, the garden night market, etc.
(transportation: full tour bus transfer, lodging: double room in Hotel).
Enjoyment in learning, growing up in the experience. 




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